3.3. Solving initial value problems using implicit Runge-Kutta methods#
Recall that the general form of a Runge-Kutta method is
To simplify the calculations for implicit methods we let the summation in the stage values \(k_i\) be denoted by \(Y_i\), i.e.,
then we can write an implicit Runge-Kutta method as
Expanding the summations in \(Y_i\)
These expressions for \(Y_i\) are still implicit functions but now the ODE function \(f(t,y)\) is calculated using a single value as opposed to a summation of \(s\) values.
3.3.1. Solving \(Y_i\)#
The values of \(Y_i\) are found by solving this system of equations. In practice the solution of this system of equations is done using Newton’s method with the derivatives approximated using finite-difference approximations. This is outside the scope of these notes so we shall be solving these systems either using iterative methods.
The idea behind an iterative method to solve a system of equations is that we start with a guess of the solution and use this guess value to compute an improved guess value. We continue to do this until the difference between two successive guess values is sufficiently small and we are satisfied that our guess is close enough to the solution of the linear system.
Let \(Y_i^{(k)}\) denote the \(k\)-th guess value for \(Y_i\) then the iterative equations are
If \(tol\) is an tolerance for the desired accuracy then we cease iterations when
This iterative method is a form of the Gauss-Seidel method which we will be using to solve systems of linear equations in Chapter 7.
Example 3.5
The third-order Radau IA implicit Runge-Kutta method is defined by the following Butcher tableau
Use this method to calculate the solution of the following initial value problem using a step length of \(h=0.2\) and a convergence tolerance of \(tol=10^{-4}\).
Solution (click to show)
The \(Y_i\) values for this method are
Since \(f(t,y) = ty\) then
so the iterative equations are
Using starting guess values of \(Y_1^{(0)} = Y_2^{(0)} = 1\) (these are arbitrary but must be non-zero) then
The maximum difference between \(Y_i^{(1)}\) and \(Y_i^{(0)}\) is
since \(0.01111 > 10^{-4}\) the guess values \(Y_i^{(1)}\) do not satisfy the accuracy requirement. Repeating the calculations we have the values given in the table below.
\(k\) |
\(Y_1^{(k)}\) |
\(Y_2^{(2)}\) |
Max Difference |
0 |
1 |
1 |
- |
1 |
0.993333 |
1.011111 |
1.11e-2 |
2 |
0.993259 |
1.011235 |
1.23e-4 |
3 |
0.993258 |
1.011236 |
1.37e-6 |
It took 3 iterations to reached the desired accuracy where \(Y_1 = 0.993258\) and \(Y_2 = 1.011236\). Using these values we can calculate the solution over the first step
The solution to this initial value problem using the Radau IA method is shown in the table below along with the values of \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) and the number of iterations required to achieve the desired accuracy.
\(n\) |
\(t_n\) |
\(y_n\) |
\(Y_1\) |
\(Y_2\) |
Iterations |
0 |
0.0 |
1.000000 |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
0.2 |
1.020225 |
0.993258 |
1.011236 |
3 |
2 |
0.4 |
1.083341 |
1.012690 |
1.059789 |
3 |
3 |
0.6 |
1.197317 |
1.073989 |
1.156207 |
4 |
4 |
0.8 |
1.377300 |
1.184716 |
1.313100 |
4 |
5 |
1.0 |
1.649006 |
1.359225 |
1.552411 |
5 |
3.3.2. Code#
The code below defines a function called radauIA()
which computes the solution to an initial value problem using the Radau IA method. The stage values are contained in Y1
and Y2
and the previous values are contained in Y1old
and Y2old
. Iterations continue until the maximum difference between the new and previous values are less than \(10^{-4}\) or when 10 iterations have been completed, whichever comes first.
def radauIA(f, t, y, h):
Y1, Y2 = np.ones(len(y0)), np.ones(len(y0))
Y1old, Y2old = np.ones(len(y0)), np.ones(len(y0))
for k in range(10):
Y1 = y + h * (1/4 * f(t, Y1) - 1/4 * f(t + 2/3 * h, Y2))
Y2 = y + h * (1/4 * f(t, Y1) + 5/12 * f(t + 2/3 * h, Y2))
if max(np.amax(abs(Y1 - Y1old)), np.amax(abs(Y2 - Y2old))) < 1e-4:
Y1old, Y2old = Y1, Y2
return y + h / 4 * (f(t, Y1) + 3 * f(t + 2/3 * h,Y2))
function ynew = radauIA(f, t, y, h)
neq = length(y);
Y1 = ones(neq);
Y2 = ones(neq);
Y1old = ones(neq);
Y2old = ones(neq);
for k = 1 : 10
Y1 = y + h * (1/4 * f(t, Y1) - 1/4 * f(t + 2/3 * h, Y2));
Y2 = y + h * (1/4 * f(t, Y1) + 5/12 * f(t + 2/3 * h, Y2));
if max(max(abs(Y1 - Y1old)), max(abs(Y2 - Y2old))) < 1e-4
Y1old = Y1;
Y2old = Y2;
ynew = y + h / 4 * (f(t, Y1) + 3 * f(t + 2/3 * h, Y2));
The radauIA()
function has been used to plot the solutions to the IVP from Example 3.5 which is shown in Fig. 3.1,

Fig. 3.1 The solution to the IVP \(y'=ty\), \(t \in [0,1]\), \(y(0)=1\) using the Radau IA method with \(h=0.2\) and \(tol=10^{-4}\).#