Index A | B | C | D | F | G | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z A Ambient reflection Array Aspect Attenuation B Back face culling Bitangent vector Buffer C Composite transformations D Depth test Diffuse reflection F Far projection plane Field of View (FOV) Fragment Fragment shader G Global illumination model Graphics Processing Unit L Local illumination model M Matrix Mipmap Model matrix Model space N Near projection plane Normal map Normal vector Normalized Device Co-ordinates (NDC) O Origin Orthogonal Orthographic projection P Perspective projection Phong's lighting model Pitch, roll and yaw Projection matrix Q Quaternion R RGB RGBA Rotation S Scaling Screen space Shader SLERP Specular map Specular reflection T Tangent space Tangent vector TBN matrix Textel Texture Texture co-ordinates Texture filtering Texture wrapping Transformation Translation U Uniform Unit cube V Vector (math) Vertex Vertex Array Object (VAO) Vertex Buffer Object (VBO) Vertex shader View matrix View space W World space Z Z buffer